
V. Thérèse, soldier: the underground passage From the postulancy, to the day of clothing and receiving the veil From April 9, 1888, to January 10, 1889: Thérèse’s postulancy June 23, 1888: Louis Martin runs away. June 26, 1888: fire at the house next door to Les Buissonnets June 27, 1888: Louis Martin is found in Le Havre by Uncle Guérin and Céline. Early July 1888: Céline and Louis stay in Auteuil. August 12, 1888: Louis Martin’s mental health again deteriorates. Late October 1888: The Chapter decides that Thérèse may take the habit. November 1888: because of Monsieur Martin’s condition, the clothing ceremony is postponed. January 5-10, 1889: Thérèse makes a retreat before taking the habit. January 10, 1889: clothing ceremony in the presence of Louis on a snowy day; Thérèse adds “of the Holy Face” to her name in religion. From January 10, 1889, to September 24, 1890: Thérèse’s novitiate VI. The light From the retreat with Father Alexis Prou to the first signs of illness October 7-15, 1891: retreat preached by Father Alexis Prou, who confirms Thérèse in the Little Way and launches her “in full sail.” December 28, 1891: start of the influenza epidemic. Thérèse is one of the few sisters who are still well; she cares for the community, fearlessly, and can receive Communion every day. May 10, 1892: Louis Martin is still sick, but Uncle Guérin brings him back to Lisieux. May 12, 1892: Louis Martin’s last visit to the Carmel. His last words: “In heaven.” February 20, 1893: election of Pauline, Mother Agnes of Jesus, as Prioress. Thérèse becomes the assistant of Mother Marie de Gonzague in the novitiate. June 24, 1893: Léonie returns to the Visitation Convent in Caen. September 1893: Thérèse can leave the novitiate but remains in it. Spring 1894: Thérèse suffers from a sore throat. May 8, 1894: major celebrations in Lisieux in honor of Joan of Arc; Thérèse writes a hymn to promote her canonization. May 27, 1894: paralysis of Louis Martin, who receives Extreme Unction. July 1, 1894: a physician is consulted because of Thérèse’s chest pains and hoarseness. July 29, 1894: death of Louis Martin. October 25, 1887: Thérèse learns that the superior of the Carmel, Canon Delatroëtte, is opposed to her entrance at such a young age. October 31, 1887: Thérèse and Louis Martin visit Bishop Hugonin in Bayeux. November 4, 1887: departure for Rome with the pilgrimage from the Diocese of Coutances November 14, 1887: visit to the Coliseum November 20, 1887: Audience with Leo XIII; the pope leaves to the superiors the decision about Thérèse’s entrance into the Carmel. December 28, 1887: letter from Bishop Hugonin to Mother Marie de Gonzague: Thérèse can enter the Carmel. January 1, 1888: Thérèsee receives her response but she must wait until after Lent to enter the Carmel. April 9, 1888, Annunciation: Thérèse enters the Carmel. February 12, 1889: Louis is hospitalized at the Bon-Sauveur in Caen, where he will stay for three years. January 1890: Thérèse’s profession is postponed. August 28, 1890: beginning of Thérèse’s retreat before profession, complete aridity September 8, 1890: Thérèse makes her profession. September 24, 1890: Thérèse takes the black veil. 187