
From birth to her mother’s death January 2, 1873: birth of Marie-Françoise Thérèse Martin, in Alençon, rue Saint-Blaise January 4, 1873: baptism in Notre Dame Church; godmother: her older sister Marie January 17, 1873: symptoms of enteritis March 1, 1873: Thérèse is very sick. Mid-March 1873: Thérèse is sent to be nursed by Rosalie Taillé. April 2, 1874: Thérèse returns to Alençon for good. August 28, 1877: death of Zélie Martin I. Darling Thérèse III. Thérèse shattered and recovered IV. TThérèse, determined II. Thérèse dying and healed CHRONOLOGY From the move to Lisieux to Mary’s smile August 29, 1877: Zélie’s funeral; Pauline chosen as the “second mama” November 15, 1877: move to Lisieux, to Les Buissonnets Late 1879 or early 1880: first confession October 3, 1881: enters the Benedictine Abbey school in Lisieux and has the midday meal there Summer 1882: Thérèse learns suddenly that Pauline will soon leave for the Carmel and hears her own call. October 2, 1882: Pauline enters the Carmel and takes the name Sister Agnes of Jesus. October 1882: Thérèse dreams of taking the name “of the Child Jesus,” and this name is indeed proposed to her by Mother Marie de Gonzague. December 1882: Thérèse suffers from headaches and insomnia. March 25, 1883, Easter Sunday: start of Thérèse’s nervous ailment April 6, 1883: Thérèse can attend the clothing ceremony of her sister Pauline. April 7, 1883: relapse into a serious condition; the Martins begin a novena to Our Lady of Victory. May 13, 1883: Pentecost: the smile of the Virgin cures Thérèse. From Mary's smile to the grace of Christmas May 1883: parlor session with the Carmelites that leads to scruples; Thérèse fears that she invented her story of grace. May 8, 1884: First Communion at the Abbey May 14, 1884: Confirmation February 3, 1886: Mother Marie de Gonzague is elected Prioress of the Carmel. February–March 1886: Thérèse is taken out of the Abbey School permanently because of her health; she is tutored by Madame Papinau. August 1886: Thérèse learns that Marie will soon leave for the Carmel. October 7, 1886: Léonie suddenly enters the Poor Clares in Alençon but leaves the community quickly. October 15, 1886: Marie enters the Carmel with the name Sister Marie of the Sacred Heart. Late October 1886: Thérèse is freed from her scruples by the intercession of her “little brothers and sisters in heaven.” December 25, 1886: the grace of Christmas; Thérèse regains the spiritual strength that she had lost at age 4. March 19-20, 1887: Pranzini murders two women and a little girl in Paris. From the grace of Christmas to her entrance into the Carmel May 29, 1887, Pentecost: From her father Thérèse receives permission to enter the Carmel at age 15. July 13, 1887: Pranzini is sentenced to death; Thérèse prays and offers sacrifices for his conversion. August 1, 1887: Thérèse reads the newspaper account of Pranzini’s execution; the criminal asked to kiss a crucifix. October 8, 1887: Thérèse asks her Uncle Guérin for permission to enter the Carmel at Christmas. October 22, 1887: under the influence of Mother Agnes, Uncle Guérin consents. 186