
The crowd roars with joy for the winner. Rodrigo helps the other knight back onto his feet, shakes his hand, and brandishes his sword toward the jubilant audience. Yet the loud applause stuns the little knight. He removes his helmet to regain his senses, showing his face for the first time. “That’s wild! This knight has the face of boy,” exclaims a girl in the audience, blowing him kisses. The little knight looks down. It’s true; he is only a boy… Rodrigo’s uncle runs out to the field, putting his hand on the boy’s shoulder. “Bravery has nothing to do with age,” he assures him. “Despite your youth, you have shown courage and skill. These past two days you have defeated experienced warriors. Each one of your arrows hit the mark. No knight could unsettle you during the jousting, and now you have won the sword fight. You are the victor of the tournament!” “It’s your sword!” Rodrigo replies modestly, returning to his uncle the weapon he borrowed the day before. 12