The Secret Tomb

The man stared at the sky, carefully studying the movement of the clouds. At last, he raised his hand. That was the signal. A long, dark cloud had just moved across the moon, plunging the site into darkness. The moonlight would remain hidden for a short time. The man stepped from his hiding place, followed by two other men.... “We have to act fast,” he warned. “If the wind rises, the cloud will pass quickly.” The three men moved noiselessly out into the night. They knew exactly where they were going. They had been staking out the site for several days now. “There it is,” the first man whispered, spotting the little stone pile. He showed the two others where to dig. Titus’ father thinks his son is a coward and arranges a few days’ stay with the police tomake aman out of him. Soon, Titus nds himself hunting down Christians and trying to discover where they have hidden the body of Peter, Apostle of Jesus, who died nearly 250 years earlier. Meanwhile, his friend Maximus, a recent convert, is given the mission of nding Peter’s tomb before it is destroyed. Will their friendship survive this test of their loyalties? Being a Christian in ancient Rome was very dangerous. To spread the faith and stay alive, you had to live in the shadows… The Secret Tomb, book ve of the In the Shadows of Rome series