Claire Boutrolle d’Estaimbuc Foreword by Kendra Tierney Illustrations by By•bm
Ten Keys Series idea from Claire Boutrolle d’Estaimbuc Under the direction of Romain Lizé, President, Magnificat Editor, Magnificat: Isabelle Galmiche Editors, Ignatius: Vivian Dudro and Catherine Harmon Translator: Magnificat - Ignatius Proofreader: Kathleen Hollenbeck Layout: Magali Meunier Production: Thierry Dubus, Audrey Bord Original French édition: Les 10 clefs des bonnes manières © 2020, Pierre Téqui éditeur, Paris, France © 2025 by Magnificat, New York • Ignatius Press, San Francisco All rights reserved ISBN Magnificat 978-1-63967-107-6 • ISBN Ignatius Press 978-1-62164-757-7
Claire Boutrolle d’Estaimbuc & By•bm Foreword by Kendra Tierney
To my three daughters
CONTENTS Setting and Using Tableware..............................28 It’s Your Turn!......................................................30 Conclusion. ..........................................................31 Good Job!.............................................................32 Foreword...............................................................6 The Five Magic Words..........................................8 The First Key Body Language...................................................10 The Second Key Punctuality...........................................................12 The Third Key Respecting Your Elders.......................................14 The Fourth Key Table Manners....................................................16 The Fifth Key Using the Right Words at the Right Time...........18 The Sixth Key Being a Good Guest.............................................20 The Seventh Key Receiving Gifts Graciously...................................22 The Eighth Key Accepting Compliments......................................24 The Ninth Key Thinking of Others...............................................26 The Tenth Key
Dear , Hi! I’m very glad that someone has given you this book. Clearly, whoever it was cares about you and wants the best for you! This book was written by a mother, with love, for her own children. I’m also a mom, and I’m grateful to be able to share it with my kids. Parents have a lot of responsibilities, and one of them is to help their children become the kind of people that others like to be around. At first, good manners can feel like a bunch of silly rules. But, really, good manners are an age-old secret to feeling more comfortable around other people. Once we understand them, and they come from the heart, good manners help us love the people around us in genuine, practical ways. Such kindness and care for others makes us lovable… and loved. Using good manners is an easy way to begin our exercise of Christian virtues. They help us put the comfort and feelings of others over our own. The more we do this, the easier it becomes. Read this charming little book and see how simple using good manners can be! Sincerely, Kendra Tierney N rt n, Author Catholic All Year Compendium: Liturgical Living for Real Life 6
P.S.: Quick, turn to page 22 and be sure to give a proper thank-you to the person who gave you this book!
The Five Magic W rds The first and most important key to showing respect and love for others is very simple: use the magic words! There are five of these phrases; can you guess what they are? Include the name of the person to whom you’re speaking when you use the magic words; you may also use “ma’am” or “sir” when speaking to an adult. For example, “Thank you, Mom”; “You’re welcome, Jack”; “I’m sorry, ma’am”; “Excuse me, sir.” Please; thank you; you’re welcome; excuse me; I’m sorry Answers: TIP 8 P T y Y ’ w I’ s E m The First Key
T . . . y . . E . . . . . m . P . . . . . Y . . , . . w . I , . s . .
B dy Language Stand up straight, and face forward. Don’t drag your feet when you walk, and keep your hands out of your pockets. Smile when you’re in a good mood; you will find that joy is contagious! When someone talks to you, make eye contact when answering. Avoid chewing gum during a conversation. When shaking hands, offer a firm handshake. This shows confidence and inspires trust. This key, like all the others in this book, will be very helpful when you grow up too! When you’re in a line, wait patiently for your turn. Sit still without fidgeting or slouching if you are seated. Put your hand over your mouth when you yawn. Of course, no fingers in your nose! Blow your nose with a tissue, as discreetly as you can. When you sneeze, laugh, or speak in a public place, try not to draw attention to yourself by being too loud. TIP 10 The Second Key
Punctuality Always do your best to be on time. It is a sign of respect for others that everyone should observe. By being punctual and not keeping others waiting, you show them that you value their time and that they are important to you. “Punctuality is the courtesy of kings.” This phrase, attributed to King Louis XVIII of France, applies to anyone, at any age. When you are grown-up and invited for dinner or lunch at someone’s home, it isn’t considered rude to arrive a few minutes late, but arriving early, when not expressly asked to, is rude since your host might not be ready. When going to the airport and the doctor’s or the dentist’s office, however, it is better to be early! TIP 12 The Third Key
You can feel confident and at ease in all circumstances, because good manners give you the keys to open any doors, especially the doors to the hearts of others. This helpful little book teaches children the good manners they need to show respect to others. Saying please and thank you, receiving gifts, behaving at table, and seven other “keys” to being polite are explained with simple language and charming illustrations. AGES 7 AND UP