
52 parents' Corner It is important to take care of it. From a young age, a child can identify his emotions, and by the age of reason he can learn to handle them. The purpose of these stories is to teach virtues that can help children with the emotion of sadness. When a child is sad, for an adult (parent, educator, teacher), adopting the right attitude is not always easy. Tell the child that this will pass? Recognize his sadness, minimize it, or ignore it? HERE ARE SOME TIPS TO HELP YOU Definition Sadness is an involuntary, emotional withdrawal. It does not arise by chance but by some kind of loss or difficulty. How is sadness expressed? Sadness can be expressed through tears, but this is not always the case. In the three stories, we observe different expressions of sadness. Charlotte withdraws into herself, cuts herself off from others, and does not play with her friends when she misses Nina. Elliot cries and seeks solitude after the death of his godfather. Charlotte loses her enthusiasm and her joy of life while her mother is out of town. In general, when a child is sad, he drags himself around, he is folded in on himself, and his hands are closed. Sadness signals a particular need of the child.