
12 What joy for the friends to see each other! “How is your new life in China?” asks Charlotte. “The streets are crowded with people riding bicycles and speaking Mandarin,” Nina says. “And the language isn’t easy to learn. Using chopsticks isn’t easy either!” Nina tells Charlotte that once, while she was trying to eat noodle soup, she splashed broth everywhere! The two friends laugh out loud, just as before. But soon it is time for Nina to get ready for bed, and the friends must say goodbye. In front of the screen that has gone black, Charlotte starts feeling blue again. Mom walks into the living room and asks for news of Nina. Seeing her daughter’s sad look, she suddenly has an idea. “You know our neighbor around the corner, Mrs. Parker?” she asks. “She called to say that she has a basket of apples for us. Would you like to go over and get it?” “I dunno…,” mutters Charlotte. “It might make you feel better,” says Mom. “Missing someone dear to us makes us sad. But