
2025 Sunday Gospel COLORING BOOK

Under the direction of Romain Lizé, President, MAGNIFICAT Editor: Isabelle Galmiche Translator: Janet Chevrier Proofreaders: Kathleen Hollenbeck, Samuel Wigutow Layout Designers: Thérèse Jauze, Patrick Leleux PAO Production: Thierry Dubus, Audrey Bord Original French edition: Je colorie l’Évangile du dimanche © 2021 by Mame, Paris © 2024, by MAGNIFICAT, New York All rights reserved. ISBN MAGNIFIKID!: 978-1-63967-097-0

KarineMarie Amiot Jean-François Kie er 2025 Sunday Gospel COLORING BOOK

7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23 25 27 29 31 33 35 37 39 41 CONTENTS First Sunday of Advent December1,2024........................................... Second Sunday of Advent December8,2024........................................ Third Sunday of Advent December15,2024......................................... Fourth Sunday of Advent December22,2024....................................... The Nativity of the Lord December25,2024........................................ The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph December29,2024...................... The Epiphany of the Lord January5,2025.......................................... The Baptism of the Lord January 12, 2025 Second Sunday in Ordinary Time January19,2025.................................. Third Sunday in Ordinary Time January26,2025................................... The Presentation of the Lord February2,2025..................................... Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time February9,2025.................................... Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time February16,2025................................... Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time February23,2025................................ Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time March2,2025...................................... Ash Wednesday March5,2025...................................................... First Sunday of Lent March9,2025................................................ Second Sunday of Lent March16,2025.............................................

43 45 47 49 51 53 55 57 59 61 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 77 79 81 83 85 87 Third Sunday of Lent March23,2025............................................. Fourth Sunday of Lent March30,2025............................................ Fifth Sunday of Lent April6,2025................................................ Palm Sunday of the Passion of the Lord April13,2025............................. Holy Thursday April17,2025...................................................... Good Friday April18,2025......................................................... Easter Sunday of the Resurrection of the Lord April20,2025...................... Second Sunday of Easter April27,2025........................................... Third Sunday of Easter May4,2025............................................... Fourth Sunday of Easter May11,2025.............................................. Fifth Sunday of Easter May18,2025............................................... Sixth Sunday of Easter May25,2025............................................. The Ascension of the Lord May29orJune,1,2025................................. SEVENTH SUNDAY OF EASTER June1,2025............................................ Pentecost Sunday June8,2025................................................... The Most Holy Trinity June15,2025.............................................. The Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ June22,2025........................... Saints Peter and Paul, Apostles June29,2025..................................... Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July6,2025.................................. Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July13,2025................................... Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July20,2025.................................. Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time July27,2025............................... Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August3,2025................................

89 91 93 95 97 99 101 103 105 107 109 111 113 115 117 119 121 123 Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time August10,2025................................ The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary August15,2025.......................... Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time August17,2025................................. Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time August24,2025............................. Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time August31,2025........................... Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time September7,2025......................... The Exaltation of the Holy Cross September14,2025.............................. Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time September21,2025......................... Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time September28,2025........................ Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time October5,2025......................... Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time October12,2025........................... Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time October19,2025........................... Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time October26,2025................................ All Saints' Day November1,2025.................................................. All Souls’ Day November2,2025.................................................. The Dedication of the Lateran Basilica November9,2025........................... Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time November16,2025........................... Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe November23,2025......................


First Sunday of Advent Jesus said to his friends, “ Be joyful and full of hope. I will come to save you at the end of time. ” He also told them, “ Keep your eyes wide open. Be on the lookout for me! Keep praying. Prepare your hearts, and always be ready to stand before your God. ” Based on Luke 21:25-28, 34-36 December 1, 2024 8


Second Sunday of Advent December , 2024 Jesus’ cousin John was now a grown-up. He was living and praying in the desert. He told people: “ Stop your wicked ways. Be friends of God. He loves you and forgives you. He is very near. ” Based on Luke 3:1-6 10


Third Sunday of Advent The crowds asked John the Baptist what they should do. He told them to change their hearts and live in honesty and truth. People thought John the Baptist was the Messiah. But John said, “ I am baptizing with water. But someone more powerful is coming. He will baptize with the Holy Spirit. Soon you will know Jesus, the Son of God. ” Based on Luke 3:10-18 December 15, 2024 12


Fourth Sunday of Advent Mary went to visit her cousin Elizabeth. Elizabeth was also expecting a baby. When Mary spotted her cousin at the end of the path, she ran to hug her. Elizabeth’s baby leaped for joy in her tummy. “ God has blessed you, Mary, ” cried Elizabeth, “ and he has blessed the child you will have! ” Based on Luke 1:39-45 December 22, 2024 14


The Nativity of the Lord Mary and Joseph found shelter in a stable. That night, Mary’s baby was born. She wrapped him up warmly and laid him in a manger. Nearby, shepherds kept watch over their sheep. Suddenly, they saw a great light. They heard the voice of an angel say, “ I have good news for you! Your Savior has just been born. He is the Messiah, the One sent by God. Go; you will find him lying in a manger. ” Based on Luke 2:1-14 Jesus is the light that shines in the darkness, showing the way to God the Father. Based on John 1:1-18 December 25, 2024 16


The Holy Family When Jesus was twelve years old, he went on a trip with his parents. They joined a crowd of people who were walking to the Temple. Along the way, they sang hymns to God. As they were returning home, Mary realized Jesus was not in the group. Mary and Joseph asked everyone, but no one had seen him. Jesus had disappeared! Mary and Joseph went back to Jerusalem. After three days, they found Jesus in the Temple, speaking with the teachers there. Mary’s eyes filled with tears. She said, “ You frightened us, Jesus! We have been looking for you for three days! ” “ Why were you worried? ” asked Jesus. “ Didn’t you know that I would be here in my Father’s house? ” Based on Luke 2:41-52 December 29, 2024 18


Far from Bethlehem, the Magi looked up into the sky and saw a bright star. The Magi were wise men. “ A new star is shining! ” they said. “ That means a king has just been born! ” The Magi followed the star across the desert. They arrived at Herod’s palace in Jerusalem. “ Where is the new king? ” they asked. Troubled, Herod replied, “ The king? I am the king! If you find another, let me know; I will go see him! ” Guided by the star, the Magi came to Bethlehem and found Jesus. They offered him precious gifts. Then they returned home, without telling Herod. Based on Matthew 2:1-12 January 5, 2025 The Epiphany of the Lord 20

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