
27 The Song of Tepeyac your soul and that, in the name of my country and my people, I should tell you the sweetest secret of our immense love. Make perfect praise burst from my lips. Make the filial love of all my brothers well up in my poor heart. Or better yet, let Eternal Love—the Holy Spirit: inexhaustible fountain of most holy love, perfect inspirer of the most harmonious songs—descend upon them and upon me so that I may intone the celestial hymn of our love, the affectionate story of our people. We ask this for the centuries-old remembrance of your apparitions. -IIn a page as fresh and fragrant as a spring morning, Scripture refers us to the creation of man. The earth had just come out of God’s hands and in its virginal beauty still seemed to preserve the divine traces of the Creator. Magnificent Eden boasted the radiant hues of its flowers, the opulence of its fruits, and the abundance of its aromas; in a solemn moment, the majesty of God descends to that most pleasant garden wrapped in the glory of the sun. With his omnipotent hands, the Lord forms the body of man from the clay of the earth, and, bending over his masterpiece like a mother who wants to kiss her little