
166 MYSTERIOUS WISDOM W hen…the soul realizes that Christ, in his ex- treme humiliation and annihilation on the cross, achieved the greatest result, the reconciliation and union of mankind with God, there awakens in her the understanding that for her, also, annihilation, the “liv- ing death by crucifixion of all that is sensory as well as spiritual” leads to union with God. Just as Jesus in the extreme abandonment at his death surrendered him- self into the hands of the invisible and incomprehen- sible God, so will the soul yield herself to the midnight darkness of faith which is the only way to the incompre- hensible God. Then she will be granted mystical contem- plation, the “ray of darkness,” the mysterious wisdom of God, the dark and general knowledge that alone corresponds to the unfathomable God who blinds the understanding and appears to it as darkness. It floods the soul and does this all the more easily the more the soul is free from all other impressions. This wisdom is “ This wisdom is something much purer. ”