
Joy is a wonderful emotion! Unlike fear or anger, it is a pleasant emotion, so you may wonder why you would ever need help handling it.Yet, depending on what you do with joy, it can either open your heart to others or cause you to focus only on yourself. In these stories, you will learn how to recognize the emotion of joy: when you wear a smile from ear to ear, when you feel like jumping about and singing at the top of your lungs, and when everything around you seems beautiful. You will learn how to share your joy, how to share it with tact, and how to persevere when difficulties arise. God is the source of our joy, and he wants us to experience all the benefits this emotion can bring. In each story, through the little pictures in the margin, you will accompany Elliot and Charlotte as they progress through their experiences of joy, and discover the entire toolbox of virtues they are using to make the most of it. 7