
19 She then slipped quietly into each bedroom, looking for the best place to put her chocolates: one on Dad's pillow, one on Mom's book, another in her little brother's sneakers, and one next to Annie's stuffed panda. She had one more chocolate left. Where could she put it? As she considered eating it, Charlotte opened her other hand and remembered her generous neighbor. “Auntie Ivy! That’s it!” she thought, all excited. With her wool hat down over her ears and a scarf wrapped around her nose, Charlotte set out. Guided by the glimmer of the streetlights, she placed her last chocolate on Auntie Ivy’s doorstep. She rang the doorbell and crouched in the shadows, eager to see what would happen. Auntie Ivy opened the door and searched the darkness to see who had rung. Then she spotted it, right at her feet: the piece of chocolate from Charlotte. She carefully gathered it up and unwrapped it. Then, with eyes closed, she Charlotte practices the virtue of generosity.