JOY 70 Inspirational Meditations

70 beautiful and inspirational meditations I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and your joy may be complete. John 15:11 JOY This book will, I hope, encourage all who read it and highlight our reasons to rejoice as sons and daughters of God. Each page helps us better understand the truth of God’s love for us. No doubt, we already have some appreciation for the goodness of God and what he has revealed to us, and therefore experience at times great joy in our faith. But pondering the truth of God’s goodness so as to better understand it is never time misspent. The meditations selected seek to illuminate, in seven different aspects, why there is always cause for joy in the Christian life, even in the midst of great trials. The texts have been drawn from Christian saints and Church Fathers, medieval mystics and theologians, contemporary spiritual writers and founders of religious institutes, and holy men and women who sought to share their holy joy with others in the world.