
Paul Apostle of Christ (died A.D. 64) After his stunning encounter with the Risen Jesus on the road to Damascus, Paul became a tireless apostle of Christ. Nothing stopped him. Despite storms, shipwrecks, stonings, and beatings, he spread the Gospel throughout the Roman Empire. “Death to the imposter! Out with him!” The Jews of Lystra (in modern-day Turkey) drove Paul out of town under a hail of stones, leaving him half-dead in a ditch. They wanted nothing to do with this man who kept going on and on about a certain Jesus. Yet, just hours earlier, after Paul had healed a paralyzed man, the non-Jewish people, or Gentiles, of the town had applauded him. They had acclaimed him as the god Zeus, and his companion Barnabas as the god Hermes. Paul had great success with them, but not with his fellow Jews. He was trying to conTurkey, Greece