
town. With its park, farm, and chapel, it was the finest building in Quebec. There were many boarders, whom Marie taught well using common sense and good psychology. She became attached to the lively, spontaneous “children of the woods,” as she called the Native American girls, who had a difficult time learning European ways. “They are the joy ofmy heart!”Mother Marie often exclaimed when speaking of them. But on a freezing night, in December 1651, a fire broke out in the boarding school kitchen. The whole building went up in flames! The Sisters and the students found themselves barefoot in the snow. They had lost everything. “We’re not leaving.We’ll rebuild!” said Mother Marie, refusing to give up. But where to find themoney? Mother Marie confided her troubles to the Virgin Mary, whom she called “the real mother superior of the community.” Sure enough, as soon as the thaw came, a new boarding school rose from the ashes. The girls were able to come back amid great joy.