
"Let the children come to me" (Luke 18:16) Open, listen, see: that is what a true Bible for children invites us to do. The brief, clear texts in this engaging Bible for children convey the beauty and richness of Scripture. Vivid illustrations, rich in color and detail, bring to life the people, places, and events present in God's Word, and historical insights add meaning and context. Read this Bible to your children, or let them read it to you; even the youngest can narrate the pictures! Together, let yourselves be carried along by the spirit and liveliness of these stories. Through the events and heroes of the Old Testament—some well-known, some less familiar—share the extraordinary adventure of this small group of people who walked with God, became his friends, and made a covenant with him. In the New Testament, rediscover Jesus with your children; let them listen to him. Jesus loved to speak to children; his words were meant for them, too. His are words of love, mercy, and joy—words that set the world on fire as the early Church spread throughout the Roman Empire. His words will help us today—to know God and to live together in peace and happiness. The authors