
20 At the back of the library, there is a wooden door leading to a narrow flight of stairs that’s dark and creepy, but when you get to the top there are three massive attic rooms. Best of all, the house has a huge garden and adjoining meadow, enough space for Hugo’s log cabin, Dad’s study, an old stable that is now Paddy’s house, and a fox-proof chicken coop. We spent most of our first summer in the house clearing out all the junk Great-Uncle Basil’s tenants had left behind, painting walls, cleaning years’ worth of dirt from floors and windowpanes, and using up Great-Uncle Basil’s small savings buying carpets, curtains, and new furniture. (Mum said they also had to fumigate the place because it was crawling with bedbugs and rats, but she didn’t tell us about that at the time.) Legend has it that the house is haunted, though I’ve never seen or heard a ghost. I can’t see why any self-respecting phantom would have hung around that dump for so many years. But if there really were a ghost, he’d have to be friendly to us. After all, we tidied up his house for him. Xavier reckons the only ghost that would haunt the house would be of Great-Uncle Basil himself. It’s funny, but part of me would almost like it if GreatUncle Basil could come and haunt the house, even though I think it’s impossible. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be all alone, even if you’re not a very nice person. Since he never had the chance to have a family and company and a house full of noise when he was alive, I thought it would be wonderful if he could somehow enjoy those things now. Great-Uncle Basil, I’m glad you enjoyed Mum’s Christmas cake,