
Translated by Janet Chevrier The Fire and Other Stories Volume 7 Magnificat • Ignatius The Adventures of

Under the direction of Romain Lizé, President, MAGNIFICAT Editor, MAGNIFICAT: Isabelle Galmiche Editor, Ignatius: Vivian Dudro Songs adaptation: Father Daniel Barron, OMV Proofreader: Kathleen Hollenbeck Layout Designer: Jean-Marc Richard Production: Thierry Dubus, Audrey Bord Original French edition: L’Incendie et autres récits © 2012 by Mame-Edifa, Paris © 2023 by MAGNIFICAT, New York . Ignatius Press, San Francisco All rights reserved. ISBN Ignatius Press 978-1-62164-645-7 • ISBN MAGNIFICAT 978-1-63967-046-8 Printed in May 2023 by Dimograf, Poland Job number MGN23009 Printed in compliance with the Consumer Protection Safety Act, 2008.

Contents The Cape................................................................................................ 6 The Fire................................................................................................ 10 Clare..................................................................................................... 38 Clare’s Song (music).......................................................................... 41

RANCIS OF ASSISI lived a poor but joyful life during the era of knights and troubadours. Son of a rich merchant of the city of Assisi in Italy, this young man decided to give up his fortune and his dreams of glory so as to serve God better. Free from material goods, he became a brother and a friend to all living creatures. It is said that Francis spoke to birds and that one day he changed a wolf’s heart. Some even say that this wolf befriended an orphan child and that the two of them roamed the roads of Italy, having a thousand adventures ...

THE FOUNTAIN IN THE WILLOWS, NOT FAR FROM ASSISI… AN HOUR LATER… he Cape They're taking their time! Sorry we're late! At last! You must be soaked… Not really, thanks to my miraculous cape! But let's get going; the innkeeper will be waiting. It's true your cape is wonderful. But "miraculous”? Surely you exaggerate! Let's just say… I got it from an angel! Tell us! It was the year after I met Francis and Brother Wolf… ON A BITTER WINTER NIGHT... Francis, I'm hungry and cold! Courage, my friend! I know a door that is always open to us… Mother! Evening, Lady Pica! Francis! Loupio! 6

The child is shivering from the cold! I'll heat up some good soup. There's a light in the shop… Your father and brother are away, but this evening I have company! This is Clare, a young neighbor. Clare, meet my son Francis. Oh, it's you! And here's Loupio! Hello, young man! Are the stitches even enough? A neighbor? I haven't seen her before… It's perfect, Clare! Her family just arrived from Perugia. And Clare works for you? Well, she helps me distribute food to the poor. 7

But she doesn't want her fine clothes to embarrass them, so she asked me for some humble cloth to sew herself a cape. That girl has a big heart… And I have a big appetite! Oh, Loupio! Ha ha! At least take this bread… LATER … Keep it for the poor, Mother! Pray with me instead… I'll go say good-night to the young lady! Back out into the cold night, my friend? Well, yes, Brother Wolf awaits us at the chapel! Here, try this cape on. Hee, hee; it's way too big. I can shorten it… When you've grown a bit, just let down the hem… But isn't this your cape? I've enough cloth left to make another one! That way, we'll have the same! Like brother and sister! 8

Thank you, Clare! Good-night, little brother! …your will be done, on earth as it is… Look at me! Look at my cape! Magnificent! Praise you, Lord, for Loupio's joy! Praise you for the beauty of Clare's soul! Who’s nice and warm in his cape? Loupio is! Three years later, I let down that hem… And Clare? What became of her? She became a lovely woman! Here at last, troubadours? My customers are growing impatient! So sorry, innkeeper! Greetings to all who come for a drink or for dinner… 9

1. The girl of greatest beauty, with flowing golden hair, prefers the steeple’s shadow to parties in the square. Her heart is for the homeless, the poorest everywhere. The girl of greatest beauty is fondly known as Clare. 2. One day when she was praying, a friar came to preach. He said his name was Francis, and then began to teach about the holy Gospel and love beyond all price and Clare at once was smitten with God and sacrifice. 3. Her gaze entrances people; her smile lights up my life. You’d think she was a princess, and sure to be a wife. But Clare’s in love with Jesus and only wants to pray. I hope to see her beauty in paradise one day. 4. She loved me as her brother; a cape for me she sewed. She imitated Francis in kindnesses she showed. The girl of greatest beauty cut off her golden hair to show her love for Jesus; my favorite sister, Clare. Clare Em Em Em G G G Am Bm Em D D C Em Bm G Am D C Bm D The girl of great -est beau -ty, with flow - ing gold - en hair, prefers the steep-le's sha - dow to part - ies in the square. Her heart is for the home - less, the poor-est ev - ery - where. The girl of great - est beau - ty is fond - ly known as Clare. 41