
Un t ir on ma zé , és t AG CA Ed , AG CA : I l e  l he Ed , I t u  V  a D T a s r€ ‚an h  i r P o ƒr a : „ h e H †en‡ k Laˆ ‰ De Šn ‹: A Œ l iv Ž t ik ‘ † ux ’ P o c o : “” r • Du‡ ‹, –u y — d Or  al ˜ n ” di : C e c t o : ‘e‹ d ‰™e š›t e‹ © 20œž bˆ am Ž ri Ÿ © 20œ¡ bˆ AG¢£¤¥CA“¦ N § ¨ rª • Ig us s ¦ S ¤ra  s Al g s ‹er . IS—¬ M’®¬¥FI¯’ °78±²-³´9³µ¶·6³-¸ • IS—¬ £g i s s 9¹º-»¶¸2»6¡-³°0±¹

T e w Ap l MAGNIFICAT ● Ignatius and SEEK FIND Sarah and Simon

T¼E ’Ž S“ ES .............................................................. ½ SEEK AND FIND ............................................................ ¾ T E L ................................................................. ¿ T E H E ............................................................ ÀÁ . T E P TI H ........................................... À SE T O S O ........................................ Àà T E S P E .................................................. À½ . PE ’ T A L ................................................. À¿  T E  T O T S ........................................ ÄÁ . PE C ............................................................. Ä . T E  R C C E ........................................... Äà PE C I ......................................................... Ľ €‚ GO ƒ F H ........................................................ Ä¿ „‚ T E ƒ S S .......................................................... ÅÆ 5 CO N

6 T E S ES JA P I P T O S JU† MA H ‡ JU† BA H  EW SI , ˆ ZE  AN† W PE JA ,  OF HE‰ JO

Sa n im Fe n E t La n o m Gi A girl and a boy like you A teacher and his daughter A white cat and a brown cat A goat SEEK FIND and Find the figures below in the scenes that follow in order to learn about the lives of the Apostles. 7

8 Jesus is on the shore of the Sea of Galilee. He calls the fishermen Peter, Andrew, JaŠ‹Œ, and John to follow him. Jesus says to them: “Come, follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” 1 T E L


10 In the village of Capernaum, Jesus spots MaŽ‘h‹“, a tax-collector. People hate Matthew because of his job. But Jesus says to him: “Follow me.” With that, Matthew leaves everything and follows Jesus. Jesus doesn’t call perfect men to follow him. They all have their weaknesses. By following Jesus, these men will learn the path to God. T E H E 2

1” FIND and SEEK