Under the direction of Romain Lizé, President, Magnificat Editor, Magnificat: Isabelle Galmiche Editor, Ignatius: Vivian Dudro Translators: Janet Chevrier/Magnificat - Ignatius Proofreader: Kathleen Hollenbeck Layout Designer: Gauthier Delauné Production: Thierry Dubus, Audrey Bord Scripture quotations are from Revised Standard Version of the Bible—Second Catholic Edition (Ignatius Edition), copyright © 2006 National Council of the Churches of Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide. Original French edition: Tourne-toi vers Jésus © Mame, Paris, 2024 © 2024 by Magnificat, New York • Ignatius Press, San Francisco All rights reserved ISBN Magnificat 978-1-63967-074-1 • ISBN Ignatius Press 978-1-62164-716-4 Based on La citadelle imprenable by Father Guy-Emmanuelle Cariot

Turn toward God Charlotte Gossetête Sara Ugolotti Your Guide to Defending the Castle of Your Heart

Contents Attack!..................................................................................................................................................................... 22 The farm....................................................................................................................................................... 24 The marketplace.............................................................................................................................. 25 The inn............................................................................................................................................................ 25 A Fortified City......................................................................................................................................... 10 The farm.....................................................................................................................................................12 The marketplace..........................................................................................................................13 The inn...........................................................................................................................................................13 The lodge...................................................................................................................................................14 The library................................................................................................................................................15 The theater.............................................................................................................................................15 The compass room...................................................................................................................16 The oratory............................................................................................................................................. 17 The castle..................................................................................................................................................18 A Priceless Treasure.......................................................................................................................... 6 • Part 1 • The Castle • Part 2 • Sound the Alarm!

• Part 3 • Beautify Your City Strengthen the Walls....................................................................................................................46 With God, Every Day.....................................................................................................................48 Your Conscience, Herald of the Holy Spirit. ........................................50 The Wonders of the World................................................................................................. 52 Learn to marvel.................................................................................................................................. 52 Cultivate your talents............................................................................................................... 53 Be Ever Joyful............................................................................................................................................. 54 The lodge..................................................................................................................................................... 26 The library.................................................................................................................................................. 26 The theater................................................................................................................................................27 The compass room........................................................................................................................27 The oratory...............................................................................................................................................28 The fortified city and wi-fi..................................................................................................28 Don’t be afraid....................................................................................................................................29 The “Turnaround” Strategy...............................................................................................30 An Act of Adoration....................................................................................................................... 32 A Cry for Help............................................................................................................................................ 34 Other Prayers.............................................................................................................................................. 36 Mary, Our Mother.............................................................................................................................. 38 Victory!...................................................................................................................................................................40 The Sacrament of Reconciliation........................................................................... 42

6 God created you, and his love for you is infinite. Made in God’s own image, you are a marvel! Your heart— your inmost self—is a priceless treasure, for it can freely receive and give the love of God. And this love brings joy! As you see in stories and movies, with treasure comes envy from those who would like to steal it. To keep the treasure safe, it must be protected. It is the same with your heart. It entices the enemy of God, who is jealous of your joy. His name is the devil, and it comes from the Greek word diabolos, which is someone who lies or twists the facts about others in order to sow division. And that's the goal of the devil: to destroy the link between you and God, and between you and the important people in your life. A Priceless Treasure

7 To do so, the devil seeks to reign in your heart. He tries every tactic to rule over your thoughts, feelings, and desires. You are called to fight against his attacks. In the language of faith, these attacks are called “temptations.” You're not the only one in this situation, for every human being is a child of God exposed to the same battle. And God allows this so that we might grow strong and wise in him. This little book will help you to learn to protect your heart, just as a knight defends his castle. Because you are precious in my eyes, and honored, and I love you. Isaiah 43:4


9 • Part 1 • The Castle

10 Have you ever seen an old town or an old part of a city with a large wall around it? In Europe, such walls are common. They date back to the Middle Ages, a time when it was often necessary to defend people from invaders. Often, within these towns and cities a castle was built on a hill to resist the assaults of an enemy. Think of yourself as a fortified city. Imagine all the related places and buildings inside and outside its walls. Think about your life—who you are and what you do each day—as we explore each one of them. A Fortified City


12 The farm Just outside the city walls are the many farms that provide food for all. Each one demands so much work: feeding or grazing livestock, milking cows and goats, clearing out stables, sowing and harvesting grains, growing fruits and vegetables . . . A big farm requires long days of hard labor to keep things running smoothly. Now imagine your life. Even though your activities may not seem to have much in common with farming, picture yourself juggling all the tasks you're asked to do at school and at home. Add to that your other activities, such as sports, music, clubs, and hobbies. To do anything well takes time and effort.

13 The marketplace Farmers gather in the marketplace to sell the fruits of their labors and to share news with their neighbors. Not only trade but also the hubbub of social life take place here. The marketplace represents the time you spend with your family members and friends. The inn What appetizing aromas you can smell here! Welcome to the inn, where people take their meals. Think of where you eat three or more times a day—at home, at school, at the house of a relative or friend. Notice how eating is often done with others.

14 The lodge After a hard day's work, people need rest to revive their strength, and they go to the lodge for a good night’s sleep. Unlike the marketplace or the inn, where people are in the company of others, the rooms in the lodge are private. You, too, need a private place to go at the end of the day. This space is for quiet reflection and rest. You show respect for your body by turning off the lights and your screens. He gives to his beloved sleep. Psalm 127:2

15 The library All these books lined up on the shelves! All this knowledge at the people’s fingertips! A library is always impressive. But don't let that daunt you. You are at home here too, in the heart of your fortified city. You enter this beautiful building whenever you think, whenever your mind solves a problem or comes up with new ideas! It is here that your thoughts take shape and mature. The theater Next to the library stands a building with a stage and fanciful sets. Anything is possible here: magic, surprising twists and turns, special effects, and exciting storylines! It's in the theater that your imagination takes flight. Fed by the stories you’re told, the books you read, the movies you watch, and your own creativity, your imagination produces incredible adventures.

16 The compass room As you know, a compass is used to get one’s bearings. You enter the compass room whenever you have a decision to make. At your age, your parents still make most big decisions for you, but you're beginning to become responsible for many choices that have an impact on your life. For instance, perhaps you took an oath to become a Scout. That's a commitment you freely made without anyone forcing you. In the same way, every time you go to Communion, you freely receive the Body of Christ in the Eucharist and unite yourself to Jesus. So, you're already regularly pushing open the door to the compass room.

17 The oratory The oratory, or chapel, is where people go to pray, to talk with God. It is the place they nurture their relationship with him. But, you might ask, what about non-believers? Everyone wonders about God from time to time. Anyone at any time can turn to him in prayer. What about you? Do you often enter the oratory? He leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul. Psalm 23:2