
Jean-François Kieffer Crusaders and Pilgrims Volume 8 Magnificat • Ignatius The Adventures of

Under the direction of Romain Lizé, President, MAGNIFICAT Editor, MAGNIFICAT: Isabelle Galmiche Editor, Ignatius: Vivian Dudro, Cate Harmon Translation: Magnificat . Ignatius Press Songs adaptation: Father Daniel Barron, OMV Proofreader: Kathleen Hollenbeck Layout Designer: Gauthier Delauné Production: Thierry Dubus, Audrey Bord Original French edition: Vers Jérusalem © 2014 by Mame, Paris © 2025 by Magnificat, New York . Ignatius Press, San Francisco All rights reserved. ISBN Ignatius Press 978-1-62164-754-6 • ISBN Magnificat 978-1-63967-111-3

RANCIS OF ASSISI lived a poor but joyful life during the era of knights and troubadours. Son of a rich merchant of the city of Assisi in Italy, this young man decided to give up his fortune and his dreams of glory so as to serve God better. Free from material goods, he became a brother and a friend to all living creatures. It is said that Francis spoke to birds and that one day he changed a wolf’s heart. Some even say that this wolf befriended an orphan child and that the two of them roamed the roads of Italy, having a thousand adventures ...

I wanted to go with him! He boarded in the port of Ancona, almost a month ago. The Holy City of Jerusalem! So much suffering in this Holy Land!* Believe me, Loupio: you're too young for such a trip. Why don't you go visit your friend Hugo instead? He also must sometimes feel lonely in his castle… Good idea, Orlando! Brother Wolf disappeared…there must be people close by! Children's voices? Jerusalem awaits! Let us go, the time has come! With our children's hearts we will part the sea!* You and Brother Wolf felt lonely ever since. AFTER WALKING FOR FOUR DAYS… AT THE ABBEY OF SAN PIETRO… * Centuries of warfare for control over the Holy Land had caused much suffering for Jews, Christians, and Muslims. At the time of this story, the Holy Land is under Muslim rule. N 1212, BROTHER FRANCIS SET OUT TO PREACH THE LOVE AND MERCY OF CHRIST TO MUSLIMS IN THE HOLY LAND. MISSING HIM, SOME OF HIS FRIENDS EMBARKED ON THEIR OWN JOURNEY. . .

HALT! May God bless you! He sent you our way! Who are you? Where are you going? We are an unarmed army, with the mission to do what knights were not able to accomplish: TO FREE JERUSALEM! You…you are going to the Holy Land? We are indeed! The Lord will lead us. His kingdom awaits us. A kingdom where I won't be hungry anymore. Where no one will hit me. Where peace and justice will prevail! But, if we could make a stop… He is right, Matthias–we're so tired! My friend, do you know where my company could get some rest? Follow me! I'm sure that the lord of Santo Sepolcro will let you stay at his castle.

Your father is always so generous! And you always have such good ideas! These poor children, with no choice but to be on the roads, where there are so many dangers! They seem brave to me. With so many of them together, they should be pretty safe! Should we join them, Hugo? You–you're free to go! Me–my parents won't allow it… Surely they won't be against you walking for a few days! Let's go ask them! It will do him good! But the roads are so unsafe… Two of my men will escort them to Urbino. There, Hugo will wait at my uncle's; I have to visit him soon. Thanks, Father! Sir, it's a great honor to have your son and his friend among us… But this is a peaceful crusade, and I can't let your soldiers accompany us. SOON… LATER…

* See Volume 6 Although, the company of a man of God would be a blessing… What does our chaplain say? HUH! Well… that is… Hugo! Loupio! Greetings! Brother Peter from Monte Casale!* If I heard correctly, Lady Providence must have inspired me to stop by tonight… Let's go, friends! WAIT! WAIT FOR ME! Rosetta? My lady, your mother, gave me permission to come with you…to look out for you! Then nothing bad can happen to me! Jerusalem awaits! Let us go; the time has come! I was a shepherd working for a wealthy lord in Provence… He and his two sons fell at the walls of Jerusalem. His wife died of sorrow. Castle, lands, and herds were all sold. AND THE NEXT DAY…

* Matthew 26: 52 Prayer helped me understand that no armed crusade would win. As Our Lord said: “All who draw the sword will die by the sword.”* That's why I left with faith for my only weapon. Rosine and Honorine were the first to join me. Then Arsen came. In Provence, I was the prince of thieves. I made many enemies. This pilgrimage helps me to get away from all that, while atoning for my sins. By the way…you have a very nice instrument there! HEY! BACK OFF! Ha ha! It was a joke! Later, others joined us. Like Lea, another orphan. What about these two? Olivia is blind. Her brother, Albano, is mute. Like us all, they are in search of comfort and consolation… Let's trust the Lord, Matthias, for guidance and protection! Look at this lousy bunch! We're both orphans, and we were working at the castle. When we lost our jobs, we lost everything.

I would have preferred another rich merchant! We'll have to be content with this nice lute… And the ransom that this little lord can get us. You, come here! LET ME GO! ARGH! OUCH! She bit me! Leave us alone, thieves! We are pilgrims, and we won't fight. That will make things simpler! NO! LET'S FIGHT! At least protect my instrument! Children, let us pray. Come here, you big cowards! With pleasure! ATTACK!!

SOLO 1 Gm SOLO 2 Gm Gm F F F F Gm Am Dm C Assisi 1/ You, Loupio, travel farther than anyone we know. You’ve seen amazing places that we would love to go. If you could take us somewhere, what is the place you’d show? Where is the place most peaceful in all the land, Loupio? 2/ I’ve seen some sights that dazzle, places both far and near: cities, cathedrals, castles, mountains and vistas clear. But of the world-class wonders that I have held most dear, none matches our Assisi, our little town right here. 3/ I’ve been to Rome with pilgrims, praying at ancient sites. I’ve seen the Colosseum gleaming in morning light. But I prefer Assisi to all of Rome’s delights. Here with my friends I’m happy all of my days and nights. 4/ Have you seen Sicily, the island across the sea? There the volcanos smoke and have throughout history. Maybe I’ll visit there but only about a week. I’ll miss my home, Assisi, too much to stay for three. 5/ Pilgrims come, pilgrims go to south and to east and west. I’ll leave for new adventures making an epic quest. I’ll see amazing places, but, as you may have guessed, I’ll still hold our Assisi as the unrivaled best. You, Lou-pio, trav - el farth - er than an - y - one we know. You've seen a - maz - ing plac - es that we would love to go. If you could take us some-where, what is the place you'd show? Where is the place most peace-ful in all the land, Lou - pio?