
9 33 30 29 31 32 The Sacred Paschal Triduum Holy Week 34 35 36 37 Good Friday Alleluia, Christ is risen! The Chrism Mass is celebrated during Holy Week, usually on Holy Thursday in the morning. At the Mass, the bishop and all the priests of the diocese renew their commitments. The bishop consecrates the holy chrism, which will be used throughout the year for the Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Orders. He also consecrates the oil of the catechumens, and the oil for the anointing of the sick. The Passion of Christ refers to the last moments of Jesus’ l i fe on ear th, from his arrest to his death on the cross. It is celebrated on Good Friday. “Passion” comes from the Latin patior, which means to suffer. In many languages, such as Latin and Greek, Easter is called Pascha. It comes from the Hebrew word Pessa’h, which refers to Passover, the celebration of the Israelites' escape from Egypt and their passage through the Red Sea. It was during the celebration of Passover that the Paschal Mystery took place: Jesus’ Passion, Crucifixion, and Resurrection. Easter Holy Thursday Holy Saturday Palm Sunday