
How will I pray? Perhaps you think you don’t know how to pray well? Not to worry: you’re not the first to feel like that! Even Jesus’ disciples felt they needed help, which is why they asked him, “Lord, teach us to pray!” (Luke 11:1). And Jesus gave them the Our Father. It is the greatest of Christian prayers because it was received directly fromChrist and it helps us pray to God our Father in the same way that Jesus did. Later, after the Death and Resurrection of Jesus, the disciples received the Holy Spirit, who inspired themwith many ways to pray to God. There is no one right way to pray. What’s most important is to realize that our prayer is always a conversation with God, who loved us first. Are there steps of prayer? MagnifiKid! Daily Advent Prayers suggests that you pray each day in four steps to remind you that God loved us first: 1. God is always there first, close to all of us who pray to him. That is why we begin with the Sign of the Cross, placing ourselves in the presence of God, the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit: In the name of the Father… 2. G od spoke to man first. We next listen to his Word, which is read each day in the Church worldwide. Then we read a short commentary to help us understand it better. 3. G od welcomes all prayers before we even speak them. We continue by offering the Lord all our prayers, for ourselves and for others. 4. G od gave us the words of prayer through his Son, Jesus Christ. This is why the Our Father is part of the prayer of all Christians. We pray it each day. To conclude our time of prayer, we will also pray the Hail Mary, to honor our Blessed Mother and entrust to her our prayers. May God richly bless you and those you love during this holy season of Advent. Enjoy a beautiful and prayerful journey to Christmas with your MagnifiKid! Daily Advent Prayers! David Gabillet