
AnD yOu reAlLy come here every daY? LitTle SaInT CarLo! But CarLo is unMoved. He doEsN’t REaCt to tHeIr taUnTs. YoU kNow, | wanT to pRogResS in everytHinG. It musT be a quEsTiOn of selF-disCipLine. But | have many faUlTs tHat are like tetHerS holDinG me dowN. RajesH, here’s tHe New TesTamenT. My favorite GosPel is JohN. But… wHat doEs faItH meAn to yOu? FaItH is a fRiEnDsHip, | pRomise yOu. In cHurCh witH tHe gRanNiEs! Ha ha! GranDpa CarLo, ha ha! WelL, yEah. AnD at sChoOl, don’t tHeY teAse yOu? Oh, yEs, sure. But | don’t minD. It’s jusT kidDinG aroUnD. My fRiEnD Jesus is alWaYs tHere. Even if we sinG waY ofF-keY, even if tHe pRiEsT is tired, he’s alWaYs tHere. 9