Magnificat - Your Life is Everlasting

OUR FATHER Our Father in heaven, hol y be your name , your k ingdom come and your wi l l be done , on ear th as in heaven. Gi ve us today the k ind of bread we need. Forg i ve us our debts just as we have forg i ven those who are in debt to us . Do not br ing us to the test but de l i ver us f rom the ev i l one . CLOSING PRAYER Lord Jesus Christ, you made the glory of your Resurrection shine forth in splendor over all creation and you have gone to prepare a place for us, at the right hand of God, your Father and ours; and yet you do not abandon us, for you leave us a foretaste of our eternal communion in your divinity when we celebrate the memorial of your saving Passion: give us to receive, from a love so great, the mysteries of your Body, given up for us, so that we may harvest, even in this present time, the fruits of our redemption. You who are God, with the Father and the Holy Spirit. Amen. 136 THE HOUR FOR THE FIFTH DAY